
The Town of Coupeville posted this to its Facebook page on .
The next step in our middle housing code update project is the release of our draft amendments to be first discussed at the Coupeville Planning Commission meeting on November 4, 2024, at 6:00pm in the Board of County Commissioner’s Hearing Room (1 NE 6th St. Coupeville, WA)!
You can find the meeting agenda and related documents on the Town’s website here: https://townofcoupeville.org/2024-planning-commission-meetings/
and you can find more information about the project overall on the Town’s website here: https://townofcoupeville.org/middle-housing-development-regulations/
We’re looking forward to seeing you and receiving your feedback!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Joshua Engelbrecht, Community Development Director.
planner@townofcoupeville.org / 360-678-4461 ext. 104
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