OAK HARBOR: City continues Main Street contribution program despite decrease in tax participation

Sam Fletcher reports from the Oak Harbor City Council meeting of Tue., Jan. 7, 2024 for the Whidbey News-Times.
The City of Oak Harbor and Oak Harbor Main Street will continue their partnerships for another year.
Cheryl Grehan, who took over as executive director last month, said Main Street’s goal is to promote a vibrant, historic waterfront community via economic vitality, design, organization and promotion.
The nonprofit went $35,000 over budget last year, Grehan said, because businesses did not take advantage of the tax incentive program. Per the ongoing agreement, Oak Harbor gives a 75% tax credit to businesses that contribute to the nonprofit, which can apply to a public utility tax or business and occupation tax.
[The City Council] unanimously renewed the annual contract that hasn’t changed since 2019 — a $95,000 contribution from the city on top of the tax credit to contributing businesses.
They Said It
“Love this program,” Councilmember Jim Woessner said. “Love what Main Street has done for our community downtown, as someone who’s been around for quite some time.”