OAK HARBOR: City Fire Chief Ray Merrill Ends His Service (CoOH)

City of Oak Harbor
City of Oak Harbor

The City of Oak Harbor issued the following statement in the news section of its website on Thu., Jan. 25, 2024

Fire Chief Ray Merrill’s employment ceased with the City of Oak Harbor today. 

Mr. Merrill served as the Fire Chief for the City since May 1, 2012, having been appointed to that position by former Mayor Scott Dudley. 

In response to Mr. Merrill’s end of employment, Mayor Ronnie Wright stated, “I wish to thank Ray Merrill for his service to our community, as the Fire Chief. He served with honor. The City Council, Administration and Staff of the City of Oak Harbor wish Mr. Merrill the very best.”

Mayor Wright will immediately begin a recruitment process for hiring a new Fire Chief. Deputy Fire Chief, Mike Buxton, will serve as the acting Fire Chief during that time. 

Details for the recruitment process will be posted on the City website when they are available at www.oakharbor.gov

  • January 25, 2024