OAK HARBOR: December 5, 2023 City Council Recap (CoOH)

Video recording of the Oak Harbor City Council meeting of Dec. 5, 2023. The recording is approximately one hour and twenty three minutes long.

The following item was posted in the News section of the City of Oak Harbor website on Wed., Dec. 7, 2023.

Mayor Robert Severns presided over the meeting. 


Approved with a change requested by staff to move item 9a after 6a. Councilmember [Beth] Munns made the motion to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by Mayor Pro Tempore [Tara] Hizon. The motion passed unanimously. 


Community Presentation 

Boy Scout Troop 4059 – Wreath Presentation

Scout Master Ricky Ford introduced Boy Scout Troop 4059 for their presentation of the wreath to City. 

Honors & Recognitions

Recognition of former Planning Commissioner Greg Wasinger

Mayor Severns presented a Mayor’s award in recognition of Greg Wasinger’s 16 years of service on the Planning Commission. 


The Council received a comment before the meeting about a blind spot on West Whidbey Avenue. No additional comments were received during the meeting. 


  1. Approval of Minutes:  November 8, 2023 Council Meeting, November 29, 2023 Council Workshop 
  2. Approval of Payroll and Accounts Payable Vouchers
  3. Interlocal Agreement-Arizona State Purchasing Cooperative Agreement
  4. Microsoft Select Agreement Renewal
  5. Surplus List 2023-Marathon Shirts and MRAP
  6. Interlocal Agreement: Whidbey Island Public Hospital District

Councilmember Munns pulled item c. and Councilmember [Jim] Woessner pulled item e. All other items were approved as presented. 

Councilmember Munns questioned why the City would enter into an interlocal purchasing agreement with the State of Arizona. Central Services Manager Sandra Place explained staff discovered through an interlocal agreement with the City of Burlington that the State of Arizona has materials available that the State of Washington cannot. For example, today was the second time that the City received notification that we cannot get requested hybrid patrol vehicles. Via an interlocal agreement, the City can have the opportunity to increase our purchasing outreach and obtain vehicles from Arizona. Central Services Manager Place explained it comes down to distribution.

Councilmember Woessner asked about the distribution of the surplus Marathon t-shirts. Central Services Manager Place explained that they will be going out to staff, organizations, and groups to serve as marketing and advertising. Councilmember Woessner supported this and also suggested giving some to the Chamber of Commerce for swag bags and Police to put in patrol cars for kids. 

Councilmember Munns also suggested staff check with the City’s legal counsel to see if any of the surplus shirts could be distributed to the Boys and Girls Club. 

Councilmember Munns moved to approve agenda items 4c and 4e, seconded by Councilmember Woessner. The motion passed unanimously. 


  • General election was certified by the canvassing board on 11/28. Congratulations to Mayor-Elect Ronnie Wright! He will be sworn in on January 2 along with Councilmembers [Chris] Wiegenstein, [Eric] Marshall, and Mayor Pro Tempore Hizon. 
  • Announced the AWC Elected Officials Essentials Workshop is scheduled for Saturday, December 9. Mayor-Elect Ronnie Wright and Councilmembers [Barbara] Armes and Wiegenstein, are attending. 


  • Councilmember Woessner commented that downtown looks beautiful and great job to Main Street Association and City staff. 
  • Councilmember Munns thanked the community for donating to Help House. They had help from the base FRC and NASWI both volunteers. SAARS donated three pallets of frozen turkeys. 1,200 people were fed Thanksgiving meal. She encouraged everyone to drop off donations or cash – even $5 to help for Christmas. 


Ordinance No. 1983: Mid-Biennial Budget Amendment (No. 5) to the 2023-2024 Biennial Budget

Deputy City Administrator and Finance Director David Goldman presented the overview of the state law requirements for the budget amendment process, funds of note (General Fund, Water, Sewer, Solid Waste, Storm Drain, and Marina), and capital funds for each one of these funds. Mayor Severns opened and closed the public hearing. No comments were received. 

Motion made by Councilmember [Bryan] Stucky to adopt Ordinance No. 1983 Budget Amendment #5 amending the 2023-2024 Biennial Budget and adopting an updated wage and salary schedule and plan of classification, seconded by Mayor Pro Tempore Hizon. The motion passed unanimously. 


Smith Annexation Proposal, 1311 Swantown Road, Parcel No. 57685-03-00014-0

Principal Planner Cac Kamak presented the request for annexation, a map showing the location of the property for consideration, and provided background of the request by both the Smith’s and the Kirkendall’s whose request for annexation for their adjacent property is also proceeding. All properties are adjacent to the City limits. Options for Council action were to support or oppose the annexation request. Impacts of accepting an annexation are increases to demands for City services (Fire and Police), transportation impact, and utility connections. As well as zoning changes if they come into the City. The next step is to conduct a meeting with the parties who were present this evening, and then move to accept or deny the annexation requests. Blair Atwall commented about the project. 

Councilmember [Shane] Hoffmire made the motion to accept the request to annex the requested properties and geographically modify the proposed annexation to include the Kirkendall properties (S7685-03-00015-0 and R13204-427-4060), second by Councilmember Munns. The motion passed unanimously.  


Executive Services Administrator Sabrina Combs presented the ordinances and resolutions for the revisions to external advisory bodies, including Arts Commission, Historic Preservation Commission, Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC), Marina Advisory Committee (MAC), Park Board, and Planning Commission. The first motion for Ordinance No. 1984 was presented by Executive Services Administrator Combs. Councilmember Woessner provided his comments and then made the motion to repeal Oak Harbor Municipal Code (OHMC) Chapter 2.65 (Ordinance No. 1912) and approve revised OHMC Chapter 2.65 Ordinance No. 1984: Uniform Policies for Boards, Commissions, and Committees, seconded by Councilmember Hoffmire. Council asked questions, volunteered as Ex-Officios for committees, and thanked staff for their time in completing all updates. The motion passed unanimously. 

Staff moved on to the motions for the ordinances and resolutions for the bylaws for each individual external advisory boards. During the presentation for the Arts Commission, Councilmember Stucky inquired whether the Council would have any objection to approval of all with one motion. Executive Services Administrator Combs requested City Clerk Julie Nester provide the motion. Councilmember Stucky made the motion to accept the suggested motions for all ordinances and resolutions as presented, seconded by Councilmember Marshall. Mayor Severns confirmed that all motions would be accepted, and Executive Services Director Combs explained the approval of motion also accepts the new terms for external advisory boards. Councilmember Marshall asked Council to confirm with City Attorney Hillary Evans that the action for the motion was correct. City Attorney Evans confirmed the suggested motion by the City Clerk and Councilmember Stucky repeated it for clarification, making the motion to accept the suggested motions for all ordinances and resolutions as presented, seconded by Councilmember Marshall. The motion passed with six in favor and one abstention by Councilmember Munns. 


Extension of Professional Services Agreement with Evans Marina Solutions for Lagoon Dock

Parks and Recreation Director Brian Smith provided a brief update on the project for channel maintenance and project permit for Lagoon Dock replacement. Staff is working with the Department of Fish and Wildlife to get a hydraulic lift approval. Director Smith provided an overview of requirements and steps. The extension of the agreement will finish up the review process of the permit and anticipation of the installation of the dock in Spring 2024. Council discussion followed. 

Councilmember Woessner made the motion to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with Evans Marina Solutions, seconded by Councilmember Munns. The motion passed unanimously. 


Discussion of Legislative Priorities

Executive Services Administrator Sabrina Combs presented the revised Legislative Priorities based on Council comments at the November 29, 2023 City Council Workshop meeting. Council comments and discussion followed. No action was requested this evening. Staff will return on December 19, 2023, meeting with the resolution for Council to accept the Legislative Priorities. 


The meeting adjourned at 7:24 pm.


The official meeting minutes will be available after approval by City Council in the Agenda Center online at https://oakharbor.gov/AgendaCenter

  • December 7, 2023