OAK HARBOR: November 29, 2023 City Council Workshop Recap (CoOH)

Video recording of the Oak Harbor City Council workshop of Nov. 29, 2023.

The following item was posted in the News section of the City of Oak Harbor website on Dec. 4, 2023.

November 29, 2023 City Council Workshop Recap


Mayor [Bob] Severns resided over the meeting.

Oath of Office – Positions 3 and 4

City Clerk Julie Nester swore in Councilmember Eric Marshall (Position 3, a short- and long-term seat) and newly elected Councilmember Barbara Armes (Position 4, a two-year unexpired seat). 


Conditional Use Permit Ownership Code Amendment

Senior Planner Ray Lindenburg presented the amendment to correct some issues about how conditional use permits get changed from one owner to the next. He verified what other peer municipalities were doing and how staff proposes to streamline the process with updated language.

Code Changes Relating to Subdivisions

Development Services Director David Kuhl presented the three areas of Title 21 in the Oak Harbor Municipal Code that are proposed for amendments, including: Engineering Deposit (Section 21.30.020), Permit Expirations (21.40.020), and Digital Filing (21.40.060) and (21.30.020)(3)(e). 


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) – Request for Proposals Update

Deputy City Administrator David Goldman presented the background, ERP definition and what the custom software system will provide, as well as funding, need/requirements, an outline of the RFP process, the increased functionality the system will provide, and next steps. 


Geographic Information System (GIS) Update 

City Engineer Alex Warner presented the GIS update and strategic plan. The first GIS tool for the City was launched in Spring 2022. The City’s consultant Flo Analytics recommended Public Works start working on a GIS Strategic Plan. Engineering Technician Megan Broadie reviewed the City’s GIS Goals using the Acronym CARE which stands for Communicate to improve communication with citizens, Access to make information easily accessible to staff, Reduce to reduce data silos, and Eliminate to eliminate data redundancy. City Engineer Warner reviewed the GIS services provided by Public Works Engineering Division, and their recommendations and take aways for the plan. 


Discussion of Legislative Priorities

Executive Services Administrator Sabrina Combs presented the draft Legislative Priorities, including invest in our community, housing availability, public records, support NASWI, revise property tax cap, tort reform, and recruit and retain first responders. Council provided suggestions for revisions and Executive Services Administrator Combs will return with a revised version at an upcoming City Council meeting. 

City Administrator’s Report

City Administrator Blaine Oborn thanked City staff for their work to streamline processes and make the City more efficient. He reviewed some highlights from various departments, including the recent All-Staff training event with a theme involving building together (Can We Build It? Yes, We Can.). He welcomed new staff, and reviewed planning for downtown, and the new Christmas Tree on Pioneer Way. City Administrator Oborn requested Council save the dates for the upcoming retreat with City Leadership and AWC Action Days. He acknowledged Executive Services Administrator Sabrina Combs for her presentation at the Oak Harbor Chamber of Commerce this month. Followed by Council comments and a request for an Economic Development Coordinator update in 2024. 

Mayor Severns commented on the All-Staff Meeting, his appreciation of the department update videos by staff and thanks to the Leadership Team for the Sound of Music themed send off. He noted he was very impressed by the Parks and Recreation Director’s ability to swim from the Lagoon to the Marina. 


Mayor Pro Tempore [Tara] Hizon wanted to thank Chief Dresker who is retiring tomorrow. She said, “He was exactly what this City and the Police Department needed.” She wished him a happy retirement, and also congratulated Interim Police Chief Tony Slowik. 

The City Clerk confirmed an upcoming presentation by the Boy Scouts on December 5th and a performance by the Filipino American Group on December 19.  



The official meeting minutes will be available after approval by City Council in the Agenda Center online.

City Councilmember, Position 1
Tara Hizon, the incumbent
City Councilmember, Position 2
Andy Plumlee
Chris Wiegenstein
Incumbent Beth Munns did not file for re-election.
City Councilmember, Position 3
Eric Marshall, the incumbent
City Councilmember, Position 4
John Chaszar
Barbara Armes
Chris Wiegenstein, the incumbent, was appointed to this position after Filing Week closed. He had chosen to file for Position 2.
Ronnie Wright
Shane Hoffmire
Incumbent Bob Severns did not file for re-election.
Candidates are listed in the order in which they will appear on the ballot.
  • December 4, 2023