City of Oak Harbor

The following item was posted in the News section of the City of Oak Harbor website on Wed., July 24, 2024.



City staff presented a draft ordinance to the City Council on May 21 that would remove a requirement to hold a public election when considering selling or otherwise disposing of designated park lands. Following public comment and Council discussion, staff made a second brief presentation to the Council on July 9, asking for a continuance to a following meeting. 


  • Item was introduced as a standalone ordinance revision designed to streamline the process of transfer of park property on May 21.
  • Proposed change spurred by a Pre-application review of a project located adjacent to Hal Ramaley Memorial Park. 
  • Original project called for single-story development and parking lot. 
  • Subsequent staff discussion with applicant centered around minimum density projects and need for additional housing and potential for larger projects.
  • Proposed change spurred by a Pre-application review of a project located adjacent to Hal Ramaley Memorial Park. 
  • Revised project consisted of hotel and associated site improvements and included a boundary line adjustment to accommodate parking and access routes.
  • Proposed change spurred by a Pre-application review of a project located adjacent to Hal Ramaley Memorial Park. 
  • Staff and proponent discussion evolved to a draft development agreement that was reviewed by City attorney staff who identified the election requirement


  • Comprehensive planning and downtown development
  • Hotel or similar project to bring visitors and potential customers to downtown businesses 
  • Economic development 
  • A hotel/conference center project will kickstart revitalization of downtown area similar to projects in Anacortes
  • Draft Development Agreement reviewed by Legal Staff –
  • Requirement for an election for any transfer of park designated land
  • Standalone ordinance revision was introduced to City Council on May 21 
  • Public Hearing held 
  • The public was able to comment on the proposal and the topic of the specific project was brought up 
  • Written comments received 
  • Staff relayed concerns about election requirement 
  • Council discussion
  • July 9, Staff asked for continuance of item 
  • Related ordinance to specific project 
  • Public Hearing held 
  • The public was able to comment on the proposal and the topic of the specific project was brought up 
  • Written comments received
  • Staff discussion and drafting of options for moving forward 
    • Address concerns and Council discussion: 
    • Removal of election requirement 
    • Donations and deed statements 
    • Potential of having a 1 for 1 standard for any park land disposal 
    • Environmental standards 
    • Park land per capita concerns 
    • Relocation/expansion of food forest
    • Additional considerations beyond Hal Ramaley Memorial Park

Public Hearing will be on August 13th. Council will take public comment during this public meeting. 

  • July 24, 2024