OAK HARBOR: Statement from Mayor Pro Tempore Hizon on Resolution Regarding Ethics and Code of Conduct


Oak Harbor, WA — February 18, 2025 – Today, Mayor Pro Tempore Hizon addressed the public regarding an important resolution related to City Council Ethics and Code of Conduct. Resolution 25-05, adopted by the City Council during its regular meeting, reaffirms the City Council’s commitment to uphold and expect the highest standards of integrity and accountability for the elected officials who represent the City of Oak Harbor.  

Mayor Pro Tempore also shared that a thorough investigation was conducted on the actions of a former councilmember; her statement is below: 

“When one takes an Oath of Office they assume the responsibility of representing not only themselves and their constituents, but the Office they hold, as well as the organization and everyone in it. This adds an additional layer of scrutiny in their dealings with staff, volunteers, vendors and contractors, advisory commission members, and other elected or appointed leaders.

Last year, this City Council adopted its own Code of Ethics and Conduct through Resolution 24-09.  The intent was to provide a mechanism for the Council to establish and enforce standards of ethical behavior among its members. We also wanted to encourage and promote respectful conduct and foster the kind of engaging civic debate that promotes ideas and growth.  While we can always question, criticize, or compliment someone’s words or actions, an attack on who someone fundamentally is, as a person, is neither appropriate or productive.

At a recent all-hands meeting, staff was asked: what does #thisisOakHarbor mean to you? “support” and “inclusivity” were the top responses. These are the values that define our City as workplace and as a community. Section 9 of the Code of Ethics outlines the procedure for when someone alleges a councilmember has violated the Code of Ethics.  That process includes an investigation and an advisory report to the City Council.  Council may then take action, including dismissal of the complaint, a request for more information, or a determination that, by a preponderance of the evidence, a violation of the Code of Ethics occurred.  Council may admonish, reprimand, or censure the member in question–or even impose a civil penalty, 

In late 2024, Mayor Wright filed a complaint with the City, reporting harassment by a colleague and councilmember.  The City Attorney referred the complaint to the City’s insurance company, WCIA, which obtained an unbiased, third-party to investigate the allegations and draft a report to Council.  The councilmember in question, Shane Hoffmire, resigned his position with the City during this process.  Since that time, Council has received and reviewed the completed report. The investigation found that violations of the City Council’s Code of Ethics had, indeed, occurred.  And per our Code, former Councilmember Hoffmire’s conduct is worthy of censure, but he is no longer present to answer to the Council.

Still, it was important to all of us that we still publicly acknowledge the Mayor’s complaint was well-founded, and emphasize that this Council, as a unified body, does not condone such offensive behavior. To that end, the following Resolution was drafted in cooperation with Council and our legal team. For the record, the Mayor and administrative staff did not participate.

Resolution 25-05 formally reaffirms our commitment to civil discourse and the treatment of City employees and community members with the respect they deserve.”

  • February 20, 2025