OAK HARBOR: The Scoop: Strategic Plan Update

The Scoop is a weekly email with news, events, and highlights from the Oak Harbor School District sent every Friday afternoon during the school year. Click here to receive future issues. Ed. Note: We reprint those portions of Community Connections pertinent to the activities of the school board. For the full contents of the current edition of the newsletter, click this link.
Don’t Forget to Vote on or by Feb. 11!
Only 20% of ballots from registered voters have been received. Don’t miss your opportunity to vote!
Did you know the Oak Harbor Public Schools levy helps bridge the gap in funding for critical programs that the state doesn’t fully cover—like Special Education Services for students with disabilities?
Currently, the state only funds services for up to 16% of students on an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), but 23% of OHPS students require these essential supports. This gap has resulted in a $3 million shortfall for the 2023-24 school year alone and an $11 million funding gap over the last three years. The levy renewal helps fill this funding gap so we can provide the best services to all of our students, including students with special needs!
Still undecided? Take a moment to learn about our upcoming levy renewal on the February 11 special election ballot. We’ve recently updated our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) based on community feedback.
Strategic Plan Progress Update
Oak Harbor Public Schools provided a Community Report for the 2024-2025 school year through our Annual Mailer to the community in January. With the adoption of the new Strategic Plan, the community report focused on the District’s achievements and ongoing growth towards our mission to empower every student to thrive and reach their fullest potential.
The report provided a Strategic Plan progress update on each of the four goal areas based on currently available data. With the support of our local levy, we are already seeing great progress on short and long-term goals outlined in the new Strategic Plan.
- Supportive Relationships: 80% of students surveyed indicate they have supportive relationships with adults at school.
- Inclusive Classrooms: 58% of students with special needs are learning a majority of the time with their peers in an inclusive classroom environment with help from support.
- Kindergarten Readiness: 8% more students are now ready for kindergarten in all six areas of development and learning, per the WAKids Assessment.
- Academic Excellence: 70% of students in grades 5-8 are earning a C or better in all of their classes so far this year.
- Graduation: 89% of students graduated on-time at the end of the 2023-2024 school year.
- Career and Technical Education: 74% of the class of 2023 completed one or more Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathway.
On the Ballot in February 2025
Proposition No. 1 Educational Programs & Operations Levy |