Our annual community survey is now open and will run throughout all of March



Stanwood-Camano School District

Stanwood-Camano School District this to its Facebook page on .

Our annual community survey is now open and will run throughout all of March. We need your input!

This annual survey is a vital tool that helps shape our district’s priorities and decisions for the future.

Each year, hundreds of responses have helped directly influence how we operate, leading to improvements such as:

✅ Better communication with students, families, and the community

✅ Smarter investments in programs, services, and facilities

✅ A more community-driven strategic plan that reflects your needs

Your feedback truly makes a difference, and the more responses we receive, the stronger our decisions will be. The survey takes just 10 minutes, is completely anonymous.

Please share this survey widely! Friends, neighbors, and community members — everyone’s voice matters.

Take the survey here: stanwood.wednet.edu/survey

  • February 28, 2025