DAVE PAUL: Act Now to Address Climate Change

State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor)

Rep. Dave Paul’s campaign email account (dave@votedavepaul.com) sent the following email on Fri. Jul. 23, 2021:

Dear Friends,

We know climate change is real—and we must take action now to protect our community and quality of life. Last month’s deadly heat dome is just one more reminder of the disastrous consequences our community faces if we don’t do more to reduce harmful greenhouse gases. 

The Washington State Legislature is leading in this critical area, working to reduce carbon in fuel and ensuring that buildings are greener. 

It’s hard to believe that—even after last month’s heat dome—many Republicans deny that climate change is real or don’t think environmental protections are necessary. Instead, they want to roll back these important policies. 

We can’t let that happen

(Editor’s note: donation link omitted here.)

Please donate today to help ensure I stay in the legislature, and that we can protect a majority that fights for the policies that we need now to protect our communities. 

This shouldn’t be about politics. We should be able to come together, work to stop climate change, and protect our community. 

Please donate today. We have an important fundraising goal this weekend, and I need your help to reach it—and continue our work to protect the environment.

(Editor’s note: donation link omitted here.)

As always, it’s an honor to serve as your Representative.



(Editor’s Note: donation link omitted here.)

  • July 23, 2021