DAVE PAUL: Making college more affordable for all—and hearing directly from you

State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor)

Rep. Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor) sent the following legislative update from his official email account (RepDavePaul@updates.leg.wa.gov) on Thu., Sep. 16, 2021.

Dear neighbors,

This is a quick update about two things: making college more affordable and an invitation to my next virtual coffee chat.

I hope to see you at the coffee hour!

Community Colleges and the America’s College Promise Act

I recently had the opportunity to participate in a roundtable hosted by Senator Patty Murray to discuss the importance of college affordability. I’d like to thank Sen. Murray for her leadership on this issue—and for her proposal to make tuition at community and technical colleges free for students.

Like many of you, I know firsthand the importance of community and technical colleges to students, families, and our community. Community colleges are critical to training students for a wide range of family-wage jobs, including nursing and skilled trades like diesel repair and welding. Many unions partner with community colleges to provide valuable apprenticeship programs in high-demand fields such as the building trades.

In addition, community colleges help students across our state take their first step toward earning their university degree, saving students and their families tuition while studying close to home. And, many of our community colleges now offer Bachelor of Applied Science degrees, allowing students to earn a four-year degree in a high-demand occupation without the expense of traveling to a regional university.

Sen. Murray’s proposal will help strengthen our economy and our community. Studies show that 70 percent of high school graduates will need to obtain a college credential, earn a college degree, or participate in an apprenticeship program to work in a high-wage career. Community colleges help both students—and employers—bridge that gap.

Unfortunately, many of our neighbors—including recent high school graduates, individuals employed in low-wage jobs, and veterans—don’t think they qualify for financial assistance.

Let’s simplify the financial aid process for students and their families—and improve access to family-wage jobs for all.

You’re invited!

Hearing directly from you is so important to me.

On Sept. 21, I’ll take your comments, questions, and ideas—and share what I’ve been working on this summer, along with what’s ahead as we prepare for the 2022 session of the legislature.

You can register for the virtual coffee chat by clicking here or on the graphic above. I hope to see you there!

Dave Paul

  • September 16, 2021