DAVE PAUL: Updates for Upcoming Legislative Session

Rep. Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor)

Rep. Dave Paul’s campaign email account (dave@votedavepaul.com) sent the following email on Mon., Jan. 4, 2021:

Dear Friends,

Legislative committee assignments were recently announced, and I’m excited to be appointed to the Community and Economic Development Committee, Transportation Committee, and College and Workforce Development Committee.

These committees align well with my legislative priorities for the 2021 Legislative Session. I’m honored to be serving as the Vice Chair of the Community and Economic Development Committee. Access to broadband is a major infrastructure priority for our community, and it’s critical for economic development, healthcare, and education. We also need to ensure that economic recovery programs assist rural areas like the 10th District, and I’ll be collaborating with my colleagues in the 40th and 42nd Districts to promote sustainable agriculture programs.

I will continue to champion key K-12 and post-secondary education programs that lead to family-wage jobs. We will be working to strengthen dual-credit programs that help students earn college credit while still in High School. The College and Workforce Development Committee will focus on community college and apprenticeship programs that will help families affected by the pandemic get back to work. I’ll continue to work closely with my colleagues on the Education Committee to develop local programs aimed at reducing learning loss and improving access to mental health services for young people.

Finally, I’m excited to again be serving on the Transportation Committee. It’s critical that we have legislators who understand the importance of ferry services to the economic health of our community. We have a unique opportunity to transition our ferries to hybrid and electric vessels, which will reduce costs and help the environment and marine life. We also need to develop sustainable bridge replacement and road maintenance programs that ensure workers can get to their jobs and businesses can transport their goods.

The 2021 Legislative Session will be challenging on a number of levels. The state faces many challenges from the pandemic while we also have a budget shortfall. Most legislative work will be done remotely, and meetings will be held on Zoom or over the phone. I ask for your grace and patience as my office tries to meet with as many constituents as we can.

I hope to see you soon at a virtual event.


  • January 4, 2021