DAVE PAUL: Updates from the Legislative Session


Rep. Dave Paul’s campaign email account (dave@votedavepaul.com) sent the following email on Thu., Jan. 28, 2021:

Dear Friends,

A quick update on the new Legislative Session. Although the Legislature is meeting remotely, we are working hard to address community priorities. Over the past weeks, I’ve had the opportunity to meet with dozens of constituents, community organizations, and local leaders to hear their concerns.

I’ve talked with local school leaders, teachers, and students about how we can reopen schools safely and help support student learning now and once the pandemic is over. It is clear that there is much work to do to provide better mental health services for young people. I’m collaborating with local health care providers and fellow legislators to address this critical community need.

The Legislature is developing a major relief package to help families and small business owners most affected by the pandemic and economic recession. This priority legislation will help with rental assistance, childcare, healthcare services, and assistance for small businesses.

I’m proud to be serving as co-chair of the Ferry Caucus with Sen. Liz Lovelett. We will be working with other legislators to ensure our ferry fleet is modernized with hybrid-electric vessels that will save taxpayers and reduce vessel noise and pollution. As a member of the House Transportation Committee, I’ll also be fighting for better maintaining our community’s roads and bridges.

Finally, I’m collaborating with lawmakers to develop a comprehensive plan to ensure all members of our community have access to quality broadband. Broadband is an essential service for work, healthcare, and education—and we must do more to ensure equitable access.

Thank you to all who have taken the time to write and provide feedback about legislation. I’ll be participating in virtual town halls in February, and I hope to see you soon.



  • January 28, 2021