Make your voice heard – Public hearings on 3 initiatives


Greetings From Olympia, 

We’re in the home stretch of the 2024 legislative session. The Senate is moving from committees to floor votes on bills that have come over from the House. Now that both chambers have put out initial proposals, we’re also hammering out details on the state’s three supplemental budgets (Operating, Capital, and Transportation).

There are still significant policy discussions to be had this session. As you may have heard, this is a historic year with 6 initiatives to the Legislature that have been certified. Majority leadership initially said none of these proposals would receive public hearings, instead going directly to the voters in November. However, in some surprising news, the public will have a chance to provide their input on 3 of the initiatives during the legislative process.

Over 800,000 of your fellow Washingtonians took the time to petition their government directly with these initiatives. I am glad that at least half of them are being heard, giving the public a chance to weigh in as part of the legislative process.

Below are some short summaries of what all the initiatives will do and links to how you can lend your voice to the discussion in Olympia. Whether you support or oppose them, my job is to represent you, and your input is valued. Please click on the links below to participate. There are options to testify in-person, remotely, in writing, or to simply sign in noting your position but not wishing to testify.



Ron Muzzall

Your 10th District State Senator


Click here to sign in about Initiative 2111BAN A PERSONAL INCOME TAX

Public hearing begins at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 27, in the Senate Ways and Means Committee.

Click here to sign in about Initiative 2081PARENTAL BILL OF RIGHTS

Public hearing begins at 8 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 28, in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Committee.

Click here to sign in about Initiative 2113REASONABLE POLICE PURSUIT

Public hearing begins at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 28, in the Senate Law & Justice Committee.

Six Initiatives to the Legislature in 2024


  • Initiative 2113 REASONABLE POLICE PURSUIT. I-2113 is aimed at restoring reasonable police pursuits of criminals and suspects.
  • Initiative 2117  REPEAL THE CLIMATE COMMITMENT ACT CARBONTAX.  I-2117 would repeal the nearly 50 cent/gallon gas tax created by the Washington Climate Commitment Act. The program has brought $1.8 billion into government but has done little to nothing to help the environment. It functions as a hidden gas tax, with no support for our roads.
  • Initiative 2081 PARENTAL BILL OF RIGHTS.  I-2081 would create greater government transparency and require schools and health-care providers to inform parents or legal guardians of services provided to a minor child.
  • Initiative 2109 REPEAL THE CAPITAL GAINS INCOME TAX. I-2109 would get rid of the state’s capital gains tax. As a revenue source, it’s highly volatile and unreliable to fund critical state programs.
  • Initiative 2111   BAN A PERSONAL INCOME TAX.  I-2111 would ban a personal income tax in Washington. The people have said no to an income tax 11 straight times.
  • Initiative 2124 END MANDATORY PAYROLL TAX. I-2124 would give Washingtonians the choice not to participate in the state’s so-called “long-term care” benefit, which is funded through a mandatory payroll tax. This initiative would give Washington workers the choice to opt out of this program if it does not work for them and their families.
  • February 23, 2024