Photos from South Whidbey School District’s post


South Whidbey School District

The South Whidbey School District posted this to its Facebook page on .

Savoring the Season: South Whidbey Elementary School 5th Graders Create a Fall Farm Feast! For the past month, 5th-grade students have been honing their cooking skills in exciting and flavorful ways! As part of the Farm’s culinary classes, they’ve been preparing several dishes for a special take-home Fall Farm Feast to share with their families.

With produce grown at the Farm, students have transformed the vegetables into nourishing dishes. This year, the menu was changed a bit. Students roasted potatoes with fresh rosemary and thyme. They made sweet and savory baked beans using Orca and Rockwell varieties that had been harvested, shelled, and dried at the Farm. They stripped and chopped kale for a hearty salad. And what’s a feast without pie? Their dessert was a delicious mix of pumpkins and other squash varieties, including Kori, Butternut, Delicata, and Carnival.

Last week, students organized to portion and pack everything up to take home. They were busy as bees, with one group calling “Order up!” every time they had a portion ready to move to the packing area.

The Farm Fall Feast has become a rite of passage, marking the culmination of each student’s elementary school journey at the Farm. As Kindergartners, they help harvest, shell, and dry beans for planting and cooking. In the fall, First Graders harvest potatoes planted by Second Graders in the previous spring. Third Graders study soil and prepare growing beds, while Fourth Graders harvest pumpkins, scoop out the seeds, and roast them for eating. By 5th Grade, they’re ready to tackle knife skills and cooking to create something delicious. For many students, this is their first experience cooking from scratch, and the results are often transformative.

We’re thrilled to see these young chefs gaining confidence in the kitchen, exploring new flavors, and sharing the harvest with their loved ones.

Happy Thanksgiving!

  • November 26, 2024