Former Island County Commissioner Rick Hannold (R-Oak Harbor), running to regain his seat, sent out the following newsletter to supporters on Tue., Apr. 12, 2022.
Went to the Lincoln Day Dinner Saturday evening at the Elks Club in Oak Harbor. It was fun to meet both Tiffany Smiley and Brandi Kruze and spend some quality one on one time with each. The food was great and my thanks to my Elks Brothers and Sisters for the preparation.
The event was well attended, unfortunately candidates were not given time to speak as has been normal practice at past Lincoln Day Dinners. Too bad, as it was an excellent opportunity for voters to get to compare candidates, especially since there will be a primary with multiple candidates vying to make it into the general election and seeking the same office.
However, you will have other opportunities to ask your questions or share your views. We are having a Meet and Greet on Camano at the Grange on Saturday April 23rd from 5 to 7 PM. Come on out and ask me questions, or better yet, tell me what you want for the future of Island County. I would venture to say your views may be a bit different than those of our current commissioner. I know I did not request a new tax to pay for housing. The County Board of Commissioners are supposed to provide basic public services, so let us get back to basics.
The Holland Happening Parade in Oak Harbor is on Saturday April 30th, and we are looking for volunteers who would like to walk with us. The parade begins at 11AM and we will be lining up around ten. Contact us at rhannold@comcast.net if you want to join us.
May 20th we will be at the Old Goats Fully Informed Voters Luncheon and will be joined by our Republican opponent for a question-and-answer session. Attendees will be able to ask both Republican Candidates questions and compare responses during this luncheon. This event is at the Holmes Harbor Rod and Gun Club in Langley from noon to 2PM. Contact Rufus Rose at rufusrose@whidbey.com to register for the lunch.
There will be more to come soon. If you would like to host a coffee or other event, contact us at rhannold@comcast.net and we can set a date. We are looking for folks who would like to volunteer to ensure a win in 2022. We could use your help in any number of ways, contact us and let us know you are available.
Lastly, elections cost money and we need funding. If you can support us financially, please www.rickhannold.com and click on the donate button, or mail a donation to:
Committee to Elect Rick Hannold
[Ed. Note: mailing address omitted.]