SOUTH WHIDBEY: Foundation work to commence on food booths

Kira Erickson reports from the Port of South Whidbey special board meeting of Fri., May 24, 2024 for the South Whidbey Record.
Port of South Whidbey officials have agreed on a temporary fix to repair food booths just in time for the upcoming fair.
Burrowing rabbits and water damage have weakened the foundation of the fairgrounds’ concession stands over time. Though the plan is to eventually rebuild them – and possibly construct workforce housing on top – port commissioners have set their sights on filling the voids in the floor for now.
During a special meeting last week, port commissioners approved a $38,000 contract to get the work done.
They Said It
Commissioner Curt Gordon spoke about not wanting the food booths to be condemned structures in their current state. He pointed out that one of the biggest requests from all the Island County commissioners was to have the concession stands ready in time for this year’s fair, which runs July 25-28.
Commissioner Jack Ng worried about the short-term solution merely being “duct tape” for a larger issue with the structures. Commissioner Greg Easton, however, said the port should do the minimum work to keep them functional and start planning for the long-term solution.