SOUTH WHIDBEY: Port ponders levy reset

Kira Erickson reports from the Port of South Whidbey commissioners meeting of Tue., Feb. 11, 2025 for the South Whidbey Record. Read the whole story.
Port of South Whidbey commissioners are considering a levy increase to help cover the cost of operations.
Commissioner Curt Gordon floated the idea of resetting the port’s levy, which is currently sitting at a mere 11 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value. A levy increase has not taken place since the port assumed ownership of the Whidbey Island Fairgrounds from Island County in 2017.
The levy reset will likely be a regular item on the board’s upcoming agendas as more is discussed.
They Said It
Commissioner Jack Ng said the Port of South Whidbey may have one of the lowest levy rates in the state.
Before a specific amount for the levy reset is decided, however, Gordon suggested conducting an inventory of the port’s capital facilities. Commissioner Greg Easton agreed this was a sound idea.
As Gordon pointed out, property values and the population have increased over time, but the port’s levy has not. A levy reset will contribute to the port’s fund balance.
“Nobody likes raising taxes, and even if it’s only eight cents … there’s some very valid expenses here that we just can’t keep pushing out,” Gordon said, adding that the port just received an $80,000 estimate to repair electric outlets on the South Whidbey Harbor dock, and that can’t be afforded without a grant.
While the port was fortunate to get a sizeable Rural County Economic Development grant of $688,610 from Island County in 2018, Gordon acknowledged that the money is running out. Many grants require 50% matching funds from the port, he said.