SOUTH WHIDBEY RECORD: Council nixes Dog House’s appeal for access

South Whidbey Record

Kira Erickson reports from the Langley City Council meeting on Apr. 4, 2022:

Members of the Langley City Council were hesitant to grant an access-related request for the owners of a building under renovation on First Street.

Audio recording of the Apr. 4, 2022 Langley City Council meeting. Discussion of the access request begins at 44:09 and lasts for approximately fifty minutes.

They Said It

“We have very little access as people of Langley to the sea, and we are called the Village by the Sea,” Councilmember Rhonda Salerno said.

Councilmember Gail Fleming said she felt badly that the Kleiners may have had some assumptions leading them in a certain direction.

“I don’t feel good about that, on behalf of all of us,” she said. “I think we all, as a community, would love to see the Dog House up and running again and have a lot of support for that.”

Councilmember Thomas Gill was the only one to speak in opposition to the staff recommendation.

He claimed that under an informal agreement, previous owners of the building have been able to use the adjacent right-of-way without any issue, which he referred to as a driveway instead of an extension of Anthes Avenue.

“To change the rules, especially after all this work the city did under previous planners and public works directors, just rubs me the wrong way,” he said, adding that it did not seem “kosher” to remove the rights of the property owners, given that the city encouraged construction of the garage on the building.

  • April 8, 2022