SOUTH WHIDBEY RECORD: Langley group looks back at year combating racism

South Whidbey Record
Langley City Council Member Harolynne Bobis
Langley City Councilwoman Harolynne Bobis

Rachel Rosen reports from the Langley City Council meeting of Jul. 5, 2022.

Kennedy Horstman, one of the members of the Dismantling Systemic Racism working group, gave an annual status report during the Langley City Council meeting on Tuesday.

[Ed. Note: No audio recording of the meeting was available on the city of Langley’s website at press time.]

They Said It

Councilmember Harolynne Bobis described the work the committee does as “hard to get done” and described those on the committee as “poster children for allies.”

  • July 8, 2022