SOUTH WHIDBEY RECORD: Tree code leaves room for violations (AUDIO)

South Whidbey Record

Kira Erickson reports:

The unpermitted removal of trees within the city of Langley continues to be an issue, as is evidenced by the recent slashing of 10 trees on one property.

Current code allows the city to issue an after-the-fact permit for trees cut down without proper paperwork and charge double fees, which amounts to $100 a day. Several council members have argued that this is not enough.

Audio recording of the second part of the Jun. 6, 2022, Langley City Council meeting. Discussion of the tree code begins at 50:55 and lasts for approximately fifteen minutes.

They Said It

Councilmember Rhonda Salerno said the [two large] trees [on city-owned property but were recently cut down by a nearby property owner], which were on Furman Avenue, measured close to three feet wide.

“They were huge carbon sequesters and they belonged to the city,” she said.

Mayor Scott Chaplin said the trees were worth close to $10,000 each. Although city code can require a replacement ratio, he said it was “a little bit ridiculous” to replace a 20-ton tree with two 5-pound trees.

“I think we won’t be just issuing permits after the fact when people should know better,” he said. “I think we’ll be taking other courses of legal action when appropriate.”

  • June 10, 2022