SOUTH WHIDBEY: Soccer fans overload septic tank

Kira Erickson reports from the South Whidbey Parks and Recreation District board meeting of Wed., Oct. 16, 2024 for the South Whidbey Record.
A copious amount of Saturday soccer games and a multitude of spectators have put a strain on the South Whidbey Sports Complex’s septic system.
Yet leaders of a sport club that regularly uses the fields argue that the South Whidbey Parks and Recreation District isn’t being accommodating enough when it comes to restroom facilities and the number of soccer players.
The issue came to a head this week during a meeting of the district’s board of commissioners. Executive Director Brian Tomisser reported that activity associated with concurrent Saturday soccer games has set off septic alarms twice over the last month, the most recent time causing a significant mess that parks and rec staff had to clean up on their day off.
They Said It
“It’s not a new policy that the fields can hold about 100 people before it becomes a problem,” Tomisser said. “That’s not because the septic is failing or any different than it’s ever been. It’s a simple capacity of the tank.”
Tomisser said it’s simply a matter of the South Whidbey Sports Complex not being designed to accommodate so many people, which becomes evident when cars start parking on the 50 mph Langley Road.
Tomisser said it’s possible that the [six] new [pickleball] courts will require an addition to the septic system, but that he’ll update the commissioners next month when he knows more.