STANWOOD CAMANO NEWS: Voters rejecting school levy; measure may be back on ballot in April

Stanwood Camano News
Stanwood-Camano Superintendent Deborah Rumbaugh

Evan Caldwell reports in the Stanwood Camano News:

Stanwood-Camano voters appear to have rejected a school levy, and the School Board is considering sending the same measure back to voters in April.

They Said It

“It likely failed because of a combination of a lot of things,” superintendent Deborah Rumbaugh said citing the toll from the pandemic toll, COVID testing, mask requirements and the overall economy.

“We’re going to have to identify what are the next steps we need to take to be in a different place (after the next levy election). We have to do a better job of identifying the community’s concerns with what specifically led to the overall no vote.”

  • February 15, 2022