appreciate every opportunity to speak to a crowd of my current and future constituents. But, I appreciate it even more when it’s put together by the brilliant folks at Stanwood-Camano AAUW! Thank you to all of the organizer who did the hard work of putting this forum on, and...
AAUW forward to participating in tonight’s forum hosted by the Stanwood-Camano AAUW—hope to see you there! We look forward to seeing YOU at tomorrow night’s Candidate & Issues Forum…..6:30 p.m….Stanwood High School Performing Art Center….15 candidates are anticipated… Please enter through the lower parking lot. Stanwood-Camano School District this to its Facebook page on October 9, 2024 9:09 am. Our Stanwood High School Performing Arts Center will play host to the annual Candidate & Issues Forum at 6:30 p.m. tonight (Wednesday, Oct. 9). All candidates and issue representatives for Stanwood, Camano Island, and North...
AAUW Stanwood-Camano and SCNews are co-sponsoring the 2024 Candidates and Issues Forum on Wednesday, October 9. 6:30 p.m. in Stanwood.
The Voter Interests Project (VIP) celebrates our 1000th post.
The American Association of University Women (Stanwood-Camano Branch) held a virtual candidate forum for area candidates on Oct. 12, 2022.
The Stanwood-Camano branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) advertised their Oct. 12 candidate forum in the Oct. 7-21 issue of the Crab Cracker.
The Island County Democrats sent their monthly newsletter on Tue., Sep. 27, 2022, including a messages from Janet St. Clair, Dave Paul, Rick Larsen, and Clyde Shavers.