Oak Harbor City Council members are considering a proposal to close a small section of Southeast Third Avenue to vehicles in an effort to protect pedestrians arriving at or leaving Volunteer Park.
Bryan Stucky
Jessie Stensland reports from the Oak Harbor City Council: Oak Harbor residents may get the chance to vote on whether to raise taxes to fund a series of public safety improvements, including a second fire station that was first identified as a need in 2006. The proposed levy lid lift,...
In a story by Jessie Stensland, the City of Oak Harbor is facing a tough decision concerning the funding of an access road for a U-Haul facility currently under construction on the north end of town. The proposed small section of a road off Fakkema Road, which would provide access...
Oak Harbor City Councilmembers have raised questions as to why the city is planning to pay an estimated $700,000 for the Fakkema Access Road project. The road is about 2,000 feet of a public road that will provide access to 7 different parcels that front Highway 20 and access to...
Oak Harbor City Councilmember Joel Servatius and 4 candidates who are running for seats on the City Council discussed several issues including affordable housing, public art and constituent communication at a forum hosted by the League of Women Voters last week. Each person had much to say about their positions...
Editor Jessie Stensland wrote an In Our Opinion column in the Oct. 19 edition of the Whidbey News-Times endorsing several candidates for Oak Harbor City Council. They Said It Jessie Stensland: …ultimately Shane Hoffmire and Fe Mischo are the best candidates because they are independent thinkers who want to make...
The League of Women Voters Whildbey Island (LWVWI) hosted a forum for candidates in North Whidbey from 6:30 to 8:30 PM on Tuesday, October 12, 2021. The forum consisted of three segments: North Whidbey Pool, Park, and Recreation District Commissioners, Oak Harbor City Council members, and Oak Harbor School District...
Candidates Andy Plumlee and Bryan Stucky are competing to fill the Oak Harbor City Council seat currently held by Millie Goebel, who is not seeking re-election. Both candidates have similar positions in that they feel there is a segment of the population of Oak Harbor who are not being represented...