The Voter Interests Project continues our Candidate Interviews 2023 series with two interviews of candidates for Stanwood-Camano School District Director, District 4. We invited Stephen Hendrickson and Betsy Foster to do interviews.
Camano Island
Camano Island Fire & Rescue announced a board of fire commissioners workshop to be held on Oct. 23, 2023 at 4:30 PM.
The Stanwood Camano News sent the same set of questions to each candidate in local races and gave each of them the same deadline to send in answers.
The League of Women Voters of Snohomish County (LWVWI) live-streamed a candidate forum via YouTube on Mon., Oct. 16, 2023. The forum featured three candidates for Stanwood-Camano School District Director.
The League of Women Voters of Snohomish County will hold a virtual candidate forum via Zoom on October 16, 2023, featuring candidates for Stanwood-Camano School District Director, Districts 3 and 4 among others.
Nov. 7 general election ballots are expected to arrive in Stanwood and Camano Island residents’ mailboxes within the next few days.
Camano Island Fire & Rescue invites the community to learn more about the fire levy lid lift that will be on the November 7, 2023, general election ballot.
The regularly-scheduled meeting of the Camano Island Fire and Rescue District board of commissioners for October 2023.