Election Watch 2024 Island County
https://www.facebook.com/122156511206225290/posts/122152661750225290Steven Myres shares his reasons WHY he is running for County Commissioner: Steven Myres (R-Freeland), candidate for County Commissioner in District 1, Island County, WA, describes his reasons for running for office, including concer…
https://www.facebook.com/122156511206225290/posts/122152396130225290⭐️UPDATE: Steve is going in for surgery today and really appreciates all your support as he continues to recover from his recent ankle injury. Please write a letter to the editor if you haven’t already. And we could use more likes, follows and shares on our Facebook posts and new...
https://www.facebook.com/122156511206225290/posts/122152391192225290Hey Supporters, we now have a YouTube Channel for Steven Myres! Please like, subscribe and share the channel to help increase visibility. Thank you all for your efforts in helping Steven Myres get elected for County Commissioner. Steven Myres (R-Freeland), candidate for County Commissioner in District 1, Island County, WA,...
https://www.facebook.com/869296601687546/posts/860342882582918Today is Juneteenth, a day of reflection and celebration, a time for us to be united in our gratitude and determination that this is America, one nation indivisible, where all people are created equal, where all people are free, where all of us are committed to liberty and justice for...
https://www.facebook.com/122156511206225290/posts/122150546246225290Are you wondering what happened to the Steven Myres sign you had us post on your private property? We found it! Apparently, the DOT is taking it upon themselves to remove certain political signs from private property, stating they are on the road easement. If you are one of the...
https://www.facebook.com/122156511206225290/posts/122149969148225290Sunday morning, hard-working Steven Myres broke his ankle in 3 places while hanging another requested sign. He won’t be doorbelling until after surgery but he did come back to his music event after his hospital visit to connect with you all! His dedication is apparent; he’s ready to serve our...
https://www.facebook.com/122156511206225290/posts/122148489980225290Important Conversations happen when you show up! Please join us for the Candidate Forum on Tuesday, June 25th. Thank you all for your support and engagement!