The Camano Island Fire & Rescue District issued a statement on the need for their proposed levy lid lift, which will be on the November 2023 ballot.
Fire District
The regularly-scheduled meeting of the South Whidbey Fire/EMS District board of commissioners for August 2023.
The regularly-scheduled meeting of the Central Whidbey Island Fire and Rescue District board of commissioners for August 2023.
The regularly-scheduled meeting of the North Whidbey Fire and Rescue District board of commissioners for Augsut 2023.
The regularly-scheduled meeting of the Camano Island Fire and Rescue District board of commissioners for August 2023.
Ruth Peterson writes about considerations for voting on a fire levy measure.
Higher call volumes and overlapping calls are leading to longer response times. Fire levy lid lift would fund four additional personnel to respond to calls.
Join Fire Chief Levon Yengoyan for coffee and conversation as part of Camano Fire’s Coffee with the Fire Chief program.