Editor Jessie Stensland wrote an In Our Opinion column in the Oct. 27 edition of the Whidbey News-Times endorsing several candidates for Langely City Council. They Said It Jessie Stensland: Gail Fleming… Harolynne Bobis and Rhonda Salerno are all strong, intelligent and well-spoken women who are knowledgeable about city government...
Harolynne Bobis
Candidates Kay Kenneweg and Harolynne Bobis are competing with each other for election to Position 1 on the Langley City Council. The incumbent, Christy Korrow, decided against seeking re-election. Kenneweg said she is looking forward to working with the other Langley staff for a future that involves “citizens, businesses, nonprofits,...
Candidate Harolynne Bobis wrote an interesting letter to the editor in the Whidbey News-Times in which she expresses her support for Critical Race Theory and shares some details of her life. Ms. Bobis is running for Langley City Council Position 1 in the election scheduled for November 2021. Incumbent Christy...