Island County Sheriff candidates Rick Felici and Lane Campbell will be the guest speakers at the Old Goats monthly luncheon, to be held Fri., Jun. 17. RSVP to
Hospital District
Nancy Fey, a commissioner for the Whidbey Island Public Hospital District, announced her plans to resign effective Sep. 30, 2022.
The regularly-scheduled meeting of the WhidbeyHealth/Whidbey Island Public Hospital District’s board of directors for July 2022.
The regularly-scheduled meeting of the WhidbeyHealth/Whidbey Island Public Hospital District’s board of directors for June 2022.
WhidbeyHealth interim CEO Michael Layfield touts financial improvements at the hospital district in an opinion article published by the Whidbey News-Times.
A work session for the WhidbeyHealth/Whidbey Island Public Hospital District’s board of directors for June 2022.
Whidbey Island Public Hospital District Commissioner James Golder wrote an column for the Whidbey News-Times discussing the finances at WhidbeyHealth.
A strategic plan set in motion by WhidbeyHealth’s interim CEO has stabilized the public hospital district’s finances and should result in continued improvements next year.