The Whidbey News-Times published an editorial on Mar. 2, 2022, calling for the replacement of the board of commissioners of the Whidbey Island Hospital District.
Hospital District
Fired WhidbeyHealth CEO Ron Telles’ salary worked out to about $207 an hour, far higher than the average of $130 an hour for CEOs of similarly-sized nonprofit hospitals.
The regularly-scheduled meeting of the WhidbeyHealth/Whidbey Island Public Hospital District’s board of directors for March 2022.
The Hospital District board has chosen management services firm HealthTechS3 to help run WhidbeyHealth, at a cost of $350,000 per year. They also named an interim CEO, Michael Layfield, whose annual salary is expected to be $375,000.
The Public Hospital District’s board of commissioners fired WhidbeyHealth CEO Ron Telles amid staff turmoil and the hospital’s financial difficulties.
The Whidbey News-Times published an editorial criticizing the inaction of the Hospital District’s board of commissioners.
In the midst of turmoil from a no-confidence vote and the firing of executives, WhidbeyHealth administration last week released a brief statement on its restructuring plan.
The three hospital administrators who were the target of a “no-confidence” vote still have their jobs, but four other members of the executive team do not.