The regularly-scheduled meeting of the WhidbeyHealth/Whidbey Island Public Hospital District’s board of directors for March 2022.
Hospital District
The Hospital District board has chosen management services firm HealthTechS3 to help run WhidbeyHealth, at a cost of $350,000 per year. They also named an interim CEO, Michael Layfield, whose annual salary is expected to be $375,000.
The Public Hospital District’s board of commissioners fired WhidbeyHealth CEO Ron Telles amid staff turmoil and the hospital’s financial difficulties.
The Whidbey News-Times published an editorial criticizing the inaction of the Hospital District’s board of commissioners.
In the midst of turmoil from a no-confidence vote and the firing of executives, WhidbeyHealth administration last week released a brief statement on its restructuring plan.
The three hospital administrators who were the target of a “no-confidence” vote still have their jobs, but four other members of the executive team do not.
Medical staff for the Whidbey Island Hospital District held a vote of no confidence in CEO Ronald Telles and two other members of the administration last week.
The regularly-scheduled meeting of the WhidbeyHealth/Whidbey Island Public Hospital District’s board of directors for February 2022.