Jessie Stensland

Jessie Stensland reports: Voters on Whidbey Island approved a measure in Tuesday’s election to increase the public hospital district’s property tax levy. At the same time, it appears that voters are replacing a hospital commissioner with a candidate new to health care administration. They Said It Candidate James Golder said...

  • November 5, 2021

Jessie Stensland reports: Demand hasn’t been as high as anticipated for what Oak Harbor staff call “Poo-Cheetos.” Mick Monken, the city’s interim public works director, told city council members last week that he wanted to move forward with creating a “biosolids sustainability plan” that would offer several specific options for...

  • November 2, 2021

Island County Commissioners have approved a grant of $70k to the Low Income Housing Institute that will go towards “predevelopment costs” associated with the Institute’s proposal to purchase the Harbor Inn in Freeland and turn it into 10 low-income units. Also, the commissioners approved asking the Washington state Housing Trust...

  • October 26, 2021