Jessie Stensland
WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: Island County commissioners have a preliminary timeline for moving forward with a proposed jail replacement project and are planning on contracting with consultants to help with plans.
WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: Island Transit officials hope that hiring a competent, thoughtful executive director will be key to steering the agency down the right road and resolving serious problems with morale among the rank and file.
WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: Sherry Phay, the longest-serving current Coupeville school board member, announced this week on social media that she is resigning from her elected position after the July board meeting.⭐️UPDATE: Steve is going in for surgery today and really appreciates all your support as he continues to recover from his recent ankle injury. Please write a letter to the editor if you haven’t already. And we could use more likes, follows and shares on our Facebook posts and new...
WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: The town of Coupeville’s former clerk/treasurer recently filed a tort claim accusing Mayor Molly Hughes of unwanted physical touching, creation of a hostile work environment based on gender bias, retaliation and wrongful termination.
SOUTH WHIDBEY RECORD: The South Whidbey School District joined an ACLU lawsuit against the state which argues that the “Parents’ Bill of Rights” violates the state constitution because it doesn’t disclose contradictions with existing laws.
The Whidbey News-Times reports: Island Transit board members continue to reevaluate routes and other operations in the wake of their decision to fire the executive director.