Jill Johnson

https://www.facebook.com/981836327283863/posts/1007862314681264GRATEFUL! Thank you to everyone who’s been helping with the reelection campaign and thank you to everyone who voted for me in the primary election! As always, it’s a privilege to represent our community, and it means a lot that you have continued trust in my leadership and advocacy as...

  • August 9, 2024

https://www.facebook.com/981836327283863/posts/1005302741603888PRIMARY DAY! If you are turning in your ballot today, please us the ballot drop box to ensure your vote is received on time. Late postmarks (which happen even if your ballot was put in a mailbox today) result in hundreds of ballots not being counted. Make sure your vote...

  • August 6, 2024

https://www.facebook.com/981836327283863/videos/1473027246660832VIDEO – C: LICK TO WATCH Community connection helps you understand the needs of all citizens, not just the loudest voices. I know the importance of listening for what isn’t being said and being aware of who isn’t in the room to ensure all interests are represented. I will continue...

  • August 5, 2024

https://www.facebook.com/981836327283863/posts/1004283145039181VIDEO- CLICK TO WATCH It’s easy to talk about the importance of rural character, but I’ve lived it, and that experience grounds my decisions as we look toward Island County’s future. Please put your ballot in the nearest ballot box by August 6. When this happens, it’s usually because the...

  • August 4, 2024