WHIDBEY NEWS TIMES: Island County Sheriff Rick Felici wants someone with more specific qualifications to take over the role of county fire marshal.
Nick Walsh
https://www.facebook.com/122156511206225290/posts/122158420196225290Your Support is Appreciated! I would like to send my heartfelt appreciation for your thoughts and prayers towards my recovery after the ankle surgery that left me immobilized. I am now able to move around and have been able to go to my office for short periods of time. Thank...
https://www.facebook.com/955084203297718/posts/931849102287895 The South Whidbey Fire/EMS District posted this to its Facebook page on July 8, 2024 10:37 am. Fire Chief Nick Walsh is hosting two public meetings next week about the fire levy lid lift, on July 20 and July 23. Bring your questions! Learn more here: http://swfire.specialdistrict.org/files/5f3587c81/SWFE+News+Release+07-08-24.docx+%281%29.pdf
South Whidbey Fire/EMS Chief Nick Walsh wrote a letter to the editor about a potential fire levy lid lift ballot measure.
Fire Chief Nicholas Walsh gave an overview of the fire department during a meeting of the Freeland Chamber of Commerce this week. Walsh said the district’s big focus in 2023 is fire prevention and community risk reduction.