In a story by Jessie Stensland, the City of Oak Harbor is facing a tough decision concerning the funding of an access road for a U-Haul facility currently under construction on the north end of town. The proposed small section of a road off Fakkema Road, which would provide access...
Oak Harbor
Oak Harbor City Councilmembers have raised questions as to why the city is planning to pay an estimated $700,000 for the Fakkema Access Road project. The road is about 2,000 feet of a public road that will provide access to 7 different parcels that front Highway 20 and access to...
The regularly-scheduled meeting of the Oak Harbor School District’s board of directors for the last Monday of December 2021
The regularly-scheduled meeting of the Oak Harbor School District’s board of directors for the second Monday of December 2021
A legislative forum for the Oak Harbor School Board.
The regularly-scheduled workshop session of the Oak Harbor City Council for December 2021.
The regularly-scheduled meeting of the Oak Harbor City Council for the third Tuesday of December 2021
The regularly-scheduled meeting of the Oak Harbor City Council for the first Tuesday of December 2021