The Port of Coupeville commissioners passed a motion to encourage Island County to purchase the Oak Harbor airport that came on the market this year with a price tag of $2.1 million. Port Commissioner John Mishasek said of the motion, “I think it leaves the door open to go any...
Port District
The Port of Coupeville commissioners unanimously voted to create an Industrial Development District that will allow the Port District to levy taxes without voter approval. This is the first step in a process of which there are several more steps to accomplish. The Port has identified more that $13 million...
Patrick Kennedy and Mike Seraphinoff have stepped forward to run for the Port of Coupeville Board Position 3 that will be vacant this year. Incumbent Mohammad Mostafavinassab is not seeking reelection. Kennedy says his priority would be to enhance the Port’s current assets. He said, “I understand several years back...
The League of Women Voters Whildbey Island (LWVWI) hosted a forum for candidates in Central Whidbey from 6:30 to 8:30 PM on Thursday, October 14, 2021. The forum consisted of three segments: Port of Coupeville Commissioners, Public Hospital District (WhidbeyHealth) Commissioner, Coupeville Town Council members, and Coupeville School District Directors....
The regularly-scheduled meeting of the Port of Coupeville’s board of commissioners for October 2021.
The regularly-scheduled meeting of the Port of Coupeville’s board of commissioners for the second Wednesday of October 2021
The regularly-scheduled meeting of the Port of Coupeville’s board of commissioners for the fourth Wednesday of October 2021
The Port of Coupeville is proposing to create an Industrial Development District that will encompass all the land in the entire port district. The creation of this district will allow the board members to raise taxes without going to the ballot. See the story by Karina Andrew in the South...