A special workshop meeting of the Langley City Council
Thomas Gill
Langley City Council members discussed setting a $20/hour minimum wage for city employees, but deferred the issue to the city’s Finance and Personnel Commission.
A proposed moratorium on certain types of building within the city of Langley elicited strong feelings from city council members and citizens alike during a meeting Monday night.
After making the decision last month to roll back the meeting start time a half hour earlier to 5 p.m., the Langley City Council decided Monday night to revert back to meeting at 5:30 p.m., following outcry from some members of the public opposing the change.
The regularly-scheduled meeting of the Langley City Council for the third Monday of the month]
The regularly-scheduled meeting of the Langley City Council for the first Monday of March 2022
The Langley City Council is rolling back the start of its meeting time from 5:30 to 5:00 PM on a proposal by Councilmember Harolynne Bobis.
The regularly-scheduled meeting of the Langley City Council for the third Monday of the month]