WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: Results of council election point to change ahead

Whidbey News-Times

Jessie Stensland reports:

A relative newcomer to city politics says his apparent landslide victory over an experienced and established member of the Oak Harbor City Council points to a widespread dissatisfaction with city leadership.

Shane Hoffmire predicts significant changes will occur once he and two other newly elected council members — Bryan Stucky and Dan Evans — take office.

They Said It

Councilmember-elect Shane Hoffmire: “People will be heard. They will be represented,” he said, explained that the overwhelming message he’s heard from voters is that they don’t feel like city leaders are listening to them.

[Councilmember-elect Bryan] Stucky agreed that citizens don’t feel like they are being heard… “I have no agenda,” he said. “I just want to listen to people.”

[Councilmember-elect Dan Evans]: “…previously said he supported council members’ decision to issue a vote of no confidence in City Administrator Blaine Oborn.

  • November 5, 2021