WHIDBEY ISLAND: Interview with WhidbeyHealth Commissioner Position 4 candidate Greg Richardson [VIDEO] (VOTER INTERESTS)

The Voter Interests Project continues our Candidate Interviews 2023 series with an interview of the candidate for Whidbey Island Public Hospital District (WhidbeyHealth) Commissioner, Position 4. We invited recently-appointed Commissioner Greg Richardson, who is running unopposed to retain his seat, to an interview to give you insight into who he is, why he is running, and what he hopes to accomplish in office.
Greg Richardson
For more information about Greg Richardson’s campaign, email him at gregmrichardson@live.com. Find all of our coverage of Mr. Richardson here.
On the Ballot in 2023
Commissioner, Position 1 Marion Jouas Morgan Cooper, the incumbent |
Commissioner, Position 4 Gregory Richardson, the incumbent. |
Commissioner, Position 5 Kate Rose Eric E. Anderson, the incumbent |