WHIDBEY ISLAND: Luncheon with WhidbeyHealth CEO Nathan Staggs and Hospital Commissioner James Golder (THE OLD GOATS)

The Old Goats – Fully Informed Voters (a goal), a community organization in South Whidbey, sent the following email on Sat., Dec. 9, 2023.
- You are invited to attend the Old Goats- Fully Informed Voters (a goal) Lunch on Friday, December 15th, noon – 2pm @ The Holmes Harbor Rod & Gun Club, 3334 Brooks Hill Rd, Langley, WA.
- Our Guest Speaker will be The Whidbey Island Public Health District (Whidbey Health https://whidbeyhealth.org/) CEO Nathan S. Staggs. James Golder. JD, President of the Health District Board of Commissioners will make Introductory Comments.
- Whidbey Health is a Member of the Washington State Hospital Association https://www.wsha.org/ , and a key element of our Private and Public Health Care with multiple facilities located on Whidbey Island. These facilities offer a variety of Taxpayer Funded Health Services. We will become more fully informed about what and where those services are, how much they cost, and the relative quality standing of those services in Washington State.
- Please email or telephone us by Tuesday, December 12th, to let us know if you will attend and the contact information for any guests.
- Reece & Rufus Rose 360-579-2790
[Ed. Note: You can email roseteam@whidbey.com to RSVP.]