WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: City plans to increase backup water supply (VIDEO)

Whidbey News-Times

Rachel Rosen reports from the Oak Harbor City Council workshop on Wed., May 25, 2022.

Oak Harbor has only two working emergency wells that, in case of a large-scale emergency or weather disaster, can only produce 18% of the city’s peak water demand, but city officials are planning improvements to the system.

Video recording of the Oak Harbor City Council workshop of May 25, 2022. Discussion of the emergency wells begins at 1:47:00 and lasts approximately eighteen-and-a-half minutes..

They Said It

“I think the Navy has been a good neighbor to the city of Oak Harbor and I think we are to them,” Councilmember Shane Hoffmire commented after the presentation. “They too need this emergency redundancy.”

Councilmember Bryan Stucky asked how often the wells are utilized for emergency purposes. Pollock said the wells are used in the case of Anacortes shutting down their treatment plants at the Skagit River.

  • June 3, 2022