WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: Commissioners approve rate increase for solid waste disposal
Kira Erickson reports from the Island County Commissioners board meeting of Nov. 1, 2022.
This week, Island County commissioners approved a 4.6% increase in solid waste tipping fees, also known as user fees. This change does not affect residential trash collection or septage fees.
A video recording of the board meeting can be found at this link.
They Said It
During that work session [on Oct. 19], Commissioner Jill Johnson pointed out that the proposed increased rates could help fund a new trash compactor that would allow the county to have a more environmentally-friendly transfer station.
“I want that compactor so bad and this allows us to save up for it faster,” she said, adding that half-full loads “full of air” means a need for more trucks.
Commissioner Melanie Bacon asked if it was possible that septage tipping fees might be due for an increase in 2023. In response, [Assistant Public Works Director Fred] Snoderly said yes.