WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: Council moves forward with accepting controversial sculpture

Whidbey News-Times

Oak Harbor City Councilmembers Tara Hizon, Erica Wasinger, Millie Goebel, Jeffrey Mack, Joel Servatius, Beth Munns, and Jim Woessner

After months of controversy, Oak Harbor City Councilmembers approved two agreements that effectively mean the “Angel de la Creatividad” sculpture will be placed in Windjammer Park. The council voted 4-1 to OK a gifting agreement with the estate of George Drake, a public arts supporter from Bellingham who offered the city the sculpture.

The city will pay Sculpture Northwest $35,000 to install the sculpture.

Councilmembers Millie Goebel, Tara Hizon, Joel Servatius and Beth Munns voted in support of the Sculpture. Councilmembers Erica Wasinger and Jim Woessner were absent from the meeting. Wasinger previously stated she would not support the art. Woessner has voiced his support for it but suggested it be placed in Catalina Park instead of Windjammer Park.

Councilmember Jeffrey Mack was the single nay vote. “This is not a good fit for this city,” Mack said. “A good majority of residents do not approve of it and are against it, and in my opinion, htere is a high probability that the city of Oak Harbor could be challenged in a court for placing a sculpture that is deemed religious on public property.”

See the story by Emily Gilbert for the rest of the details.

On the Ballot in November 2021 – Oak Harbor City Council:

  • Position 4 – Dan Evans vs Stephanie “Fe” Mischo – Incumbent Erica Wasinger not running
  • Position 5 – Incumbent Joel Servatius vs Shane Hoffmire
  • Position 6 – Incumbent Jim Woessner running unopposed
  • Position 7 – Andy Plumlee vs Bryan Stucky – Incumbent Millie Goebel not running

  • September 10, 2021