WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: Council mulls remote work pros, cons

Whidbey News-Times

Karina Andrew reports:

Coupeville town council members debated how to keep town employees accessible to the public while affording them work-from-home opportunities.

They Said It

“I saw [working from home] as a temporary adjustment for COVID, not a long-term, permanent perk for employees,” [Mayor Molly Hughes] told the council.

[Councilmember Rick] Walti said he used to go to work a few hours before customers in need of service arrived and often found those to be the most productive hours of his day. He said giving staff the flexibility to work from home could be a boon to them, especially when they are up against a deadline or in the middle of a big project.

[Councilmember Pat] Powell said her employees also accomplished more while working remotely. Even those who chose to continue coming to the office got more done because there were fewer people around to distract them. “I think it’s here to stay,” she said. “I think if you want to stay competitive, you’ve got to give allowances for that.”

  • March 4, 2022