WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: Former attorney general endorses Rick Hannold

Jessie Stensland reports:
The state’s former attorney general recently endorsed Rick Hannold for Island County commissioner. Rob McKenna was in Oak Harbor earlier this month to attend a Republican fundraiser.
They Said It
“Rick is exceptionally well qualified to serve on the Island County Commission again,” McKenna said, according to a statement from Hannold’s campaign. “He is a fiscal conservative with the right experience and right principles. I strongly endorse him for this position.”
“This county needs the fiscal experience that I will bring to the office,” [Rick Hannold] said. “I look forward to the challenges facing the county and will work to ensure the economic benefits for all of our citizens.”
On The Ballot in August 2022
County Commissioner, District 3 Tim Hazelo (R-Oak Harbor) Janet St. Clair (D-Camano Island), the incumbent Rick Hannold (R-Oak Harbor) |
Assessor Kelly Mauck (R) Theodore Kubusiak (no party preference) Incumbent Bernie Upchurch did not file for re-election |
Auditor Sheilah Crider (R), the incumbent Barbara Fuller (D) |
Clerk Deirdre Butler (no party preference) Debra Van Pelt (D), the incumbent |
Coroner Shantel Porter (I) Incumbent Robert Bishop did not file for re-election |
Prosecutor Greg Banks (no party preference), the incumbent |
Sheriff Rick Felici (R), the incumbent Lane Campbell (R) |
Treasurer Richard MacQuarrie (R) Tony Lam (D) Incumbent Wanda Grone did not file for re-election |