WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: In Our Opinion: Hoffmire, Mischo, Stucky are right for council

Whidbey News-Times
Jessie Stensland

Editor Jessie Stensland wrote an In Our Opinion column in the Oct. 19 edition of the Whidbey News-Times endorsing several candidates for Oak Harbor City Council.

They Said It

Jessie Stensland: …ultimately Shane Hoffmire and Fe Mischo are the best candidates because they are independent thinkers who want to make the city better for everyone while their opponents have made efforts to support one developer… [Bryan] Stucky is the right candidate because he has shown that he has a grasp on how city government works and will bring a sense of calm to city politics.

On the Ballot on November 2 – Oak Harbor City Council:

  • Position 4 – Dan Evans vs Stephanie “Fe” Mischo – Incumbent Erica Wasinger not running
  • Position 5 – Incumbent Joel Servatius vs Shane Hoffmire
  • Position 6 – Incumbent Jim Woessner running unopposed
  • Position 7 – Andy Plumlee vs Bryan Stucky – Incumbent Millie Goebel not running
  • October 19, 2021