WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: Oak Harbor school board clears the room after audience shouts disrupt meeting

Whidbey News-Times

Oak Harbor School Board President John Diamond cleared the audience from the school board meeting during Monday night’s meeting after several people began shouting over board members while they were discussing Governor Inslee’s new mask mandate. The new mandate is for anyone, whether they are vaccinated or not, will be required to wear masks while inside school buildings during the upcoming school year.

Some audience members began shouting during the school board member Bob Hallahan’s comments at the end of the meeting. Hallahan explained that he evaluates differing opinions based on a “hierarchy of credibility.” Hallahan continued his comments, explaining that people “lower on the credibility scale would be somebody who is speaking off-the-cuff, like outside of their expertise.” Comments by board member Jessica Aws were also interrupted.

Jessica Thompson, who is running against Diamond for his board position, said “there were a few parents speaking out against the arrogant, offensive comment that Bob Hallahan made.” She said people were upset because “Bob Hallahan implied through his diatribe about the ‘hierarchy’ of advice he considers to make a decision, that parents are at the bottom.” She added, “we spoke up, advocating for parents rights and were told to leave.”

Interim School Superintendent Karst Brandsma said the school district would be following the governor’s requirements, and that if someone was upset about it, they should contact the governors office. For the rest of the story, see the writeup by Emily Gilbert.

On the Ballot in November 2021 – Oak Harbor School Board:

  • Position 4 – Incumbent John Diamond vs Jessica Thompson
  • Position 5 – Incumbent Erik Mann vs Jason Uemoto
  • August 13, 2021