WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: Windjammer Park bridge closed for renovation

Whidbey News-Times

The Oak Harbor City Council has entered into a joint project with two local Rotary clubs to renovate the 55-year-old bridge across the lagoon at Windjammer Park. The City council authorized staff to spend a total of $52,995.86 on the project to complement the $44,000 raised by the Rotary Club of North Whidbey Sunrise and the Rotary Club of Oak Harbor. Emily Gilbert has the story with more details.

On the Ballot in 2021:

  • Councilmember, Position 4: Erica Wasinger
  • Councilmember, Position 5: Joel Servatius
  • Councilmember, Position 6: Jim Woessner
  • Councilmember, Position 7: Millie Goebel

  • April 28, 2021